At Mission San Jose Mortgage, we have the experience, financial strength, and personalized service you can count on. As a client of Mission San Jose Mortgage, you will benefit from the personal attention and experience of our licensed mortgage professionals coupled with our wide range of competitive mortgage products. As a result, you can count on Mission San Jose Mortgage to present you with the most competitive mortgage rates and loans options with your best interests in mind.
As a client of Mission San Jose Mortgage, is be pleased to offer you the following benefits:Availability
We don't keep banker's hours here. We know that your schedule during the week depends greatly on the type of job you have and the responsibilities you must uphold. Why should you take time off during lunch or during your workday to speak to someone who is supposed to be there to serve you? Whether you need to speak to us at 3pm on a Tuesday or 7pm on a Sunday evening, we're here to address your concerns.
We're also more than happy to make reasonable arrangements with you regarding a meeting location to discuss your financial situation face to face; whether it be in our office, a Starbucks, or your own home. Depending on your preferences or the services you require, it may not even be necessary for you to meet with us in person at all. It's entirely up to you how and when we do business together...

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