Green Block Inc. is Michigan's premier private real estate investment lender.
Speedy, exceptional customer service is the heart of our business. We know all of our clients by name and will only fund a deal if it’s win-win for our clients and us. And because we were started by flippers, we understand and seek to solve the problems real estate investors face.
Simply put: our business exists to help yours grow.
We finance your investment. Have you applied for a loan at a big bank and been turned down? Most banks won’t loan to real estate investors for many reasons. Silly, isn’t it? Green Block thinks so. We loan to any investor with a strong business plan.

2 reviews
T.P., Ann Arbor, MI
I've done a few loans with Green Block. They've always been friendly, accessible, willing to lend, and funding was fast and easy. I look forward to a long and continuous relationship with Green Block.
Ron, Troy, MI
I am a wholesaler. Our team does a lot of marketing to distressed sellers and we have an online presence driving traffic. We are always in need of cash on hand to get deals done quickly… the loan was funded quickly and efficiently. I would work with [Green Block] again and again with no question.