Briar Cliff funds loans that make economic sense. We specialize in closing small balance loans quickly and eliminating much of the time and hassle that comes from working with a traditional bank lender. All loans are approved and funded internally.
Briar Cliff brokerage services will arrange the optimal mortgage financing solution for your large scale project. Whether it be a new acquisition, refinance, or construction loan, Briar Cliff will put together a thorough and professional presentation of you and your deal and competitively market it to a wide range of financing sources.
As a commercial mortgage lender, Briar Cliff Financial Services has made over $29 million in commercial mortgage loans on all types of collateral, including single family, multi-family, retail, office, mixed use, light industrial, and undeveloped land. Briar Cliff is a direct, privately owned mortgage lender specializing in small to medium size commercial mortgage loans on properties located in Pennsylvania and surrounding states. Briar Cliff performs all origination, underwriting, and servicing functions in house.