Holladay, UT hard money lenders work to meet the demands of borrowers. That’s what they do, but what happens usually, is that these demands that they’re able to fill, are leftover demand from borrowers that are turned away from bigger banks in Holladay, bigger international banks, with headquarters thousands of miles outside of Holladay and Utah. That’s not served the 15,000 or so folks that call Holladay home very well, over the years. So Holladay, UT hard money lenders are finding that borrowers, the general base of residents in Holladay are taking their money and deposits out of the bigger banks, and storing these with more independent folks, more local folks, such as credit unions. Likewise, they’re also capitalizing their small businesses through lenders that are equally independent.
With Holladay hard money, what you’ll find with these hard money lenders in Holladay, is that they’re not only independent, but they’re also members of the Holladay community first and foremost. That’s paramount to any of the other roles that they take up. It’s interesting to find that borrowers aren’t anymore thinking of the big banks as the first lender of choice, but these hard lenders. Because hard lenders, over the years, has developed a bit of an erroneous and perhaps unfair reputation for merely being an alternative source for capital and lending, alternative in the sense that the facilities of these mostly private individuals are somehow sub par or lesser of a quality than what you’d find at the big banks. But the lenders hard money is correcting this idea.