St. Anthony, ID hard money lenders are able to finance very distressed financial situations. This is a little counter intuitive, but it really requires a bit of explanation. See, when a borrower faces foreclosure, he still actually owns that property. He isn’t being foreclosed on yet. It’s not the banks yet. And so the “owner” has recourse. He can put the real estate up, into a deal and arrangement called a St. Anthony hard money loan arrangement.
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A hard money loan is based on what’s called a hard asset, i.e. real estate. In many cases, what you’ll find is that these hard money lenders in St. Anthony don’t very much care about the details of the financials of the borrower (e.g. low credit scores, bankruptcy statuses, etc.). Instead, what the lender will be preoccupied with is the real estate, the property. He will run a number of due diligence procedures about the property. He will then be able to go back to the borrower and offer him a proportionately appropriate commercial property loan.