Need A Hard Money Home Loan? Expect To Pay More In Interest

You can get approved for a loan by using your home or property as collateral. Getting a loan this way is called a hard money loan, and it’s easy to apply for and get approved. But you do need to be prepared for the higher interest rates that come with hard money home loans. Hard money loans continue to be popular. Many people use hard money loans without ever approaching a traditional mortgage lender. People use hard money loans for their mortgage for a variety of reasons.

Hard Money Loans are Often Used for Construction Projects, Flipping a House or Buying Property

Sometimes people get hard money loans to help finance a small business or project. In general, hard money loans are excellent for properties that you fix and flip, land loans, and construction projects. Julie Aragon, a Los Angeles based mortgage expert,  relays why some people gravitate to hard money loans.

“Individuals who buy properties, renovate them, and resell them for a profit are known as property flippers, will often get hard money financing because they can get the cash they need fast. This expediency is beneficial when they’re bidding on a property.”

Hard Money Loans Come from Individuals or Investors

The investors who put up the hard money loan usually require you to have higher interest rates. There are some things that can help you find reputable hard money lenders. This includes the most reasonable interest rate possible. Keep in mind if you put your home or another property up as collateral and default, the hard money lender can take that property. It’s their protection from losing the loan money plus interest they gave you.

The Hard Money Loan Lender Interest Rate Range

Financing Strategies for Real Estate Investments is a mortgage hard money lender. They lend you between 60-70 percent of what your property value is. It’s a win-win for most investors because if someone they lend to defaults on their payments, their property can be taken by the moneylender. It’s important to know that reputable hard money home loan lenders want to build a long term relationship with you. They don’t want to have to go after your home or property for a loan to be paid off. There are ways you can research and find out the difference in reputable hard money loan lenders who have reasonable interest rates and the ones you want to stay away from.

Research and Find Reputable Hard Money Home Loan Lenders

Hard money home loan lenders can charge you points and fees based on the amount of money you borrow. Since the loan points are based on a percentage of your loan, you want to be careful to figure out what one or two extra points will cost you when you’re paying it back. For instance, if you borrow $500,000 and your loan comes with two or three points, each point adds another $5,000 to your original loan. You also need to check your hard money home loan lender’s reputation by seeking reviews from others who have used them. Find out if they have a positive history in dealing with those that borrow money from them. If possible, try and meet with your hard money home loan lender because hard money investors are worth having a positive relationship with.

Your Next Step

Your next step is figuring out what type of home loan you want to pursue, and if it’s a hard money home loan, research and find the best one to fit your needs. While your approval time is a lot less, you also have less time to pay it back. Sometimes you have to pay a hard money loan lender back in twelve months. Although sometimes you can stretch it out to two-five years under special circumstances.

If everything above represents what you want to do and then you can find no better resource than a hard money home loan lender. There are so many ways you can benefit from a relationship with the lender. Don’t wait, move forward and find a hard money loan lender that helps you get the future you deserve.




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