Hard Money Lenders are Here to Help

Hard Money Private Lenders Are Here To Help

A hard money private lender will give you a loan that many inflexible lending institutions won’t approve. If a hard money loan is the best way for you to finance a project, start a business, buy a house, or a host of other things, this is for you. Read on to discover how hard money lenders are here to help you.

Why Hard Money Lenders Help Others

Private hard money lenders are real estate investors who want to fund certain kinds of purchases. These borrowers are often real estate flippers, small business owners, and people trying to complete a project. The liquidity of private hard money lenders is their best asset. It’s the private lender’s liquidity that allows them to diversify their portfolios by lending money to unique business opportunities.

There are even crowdfunding companies, like Groundfloor Finance out of Atlanta, that are joining the movement. Groundfloor Finance combines the funds offered by smaller investors in the industry. In 2019, the average amount of hard money loans combined came to $12 million a month.

Jeffrey Tesch manages another hard lender company out of Connecticut called RCN Capital. “RCN should loan out $500 million this year. Business is better than ever, but it’s in the workforce segment,” he says.

The Concrete Tangibles in Hard Money Private Lenders

In the simplest definition, private hard money lenders are people who have large amounts of money to invest. These lenders have the intent to loan money to people with ascertainable financial projects. Hard money lenders will decide on your loan application in as little as one day, although many can take seven to ten days. That’s far less than traditional financial institutions can offer.

The hard money private lender is interested in projects, businesses, or people with solid plans and an attainable goal. They do require collateral, which can be anything from your car or boat to your home or property. They will look at your credit and job history, but they’re more interested in your collateral for the loan.

Hard Money Private Lender: Follow the Rules

The best hard money private lenders want to build a long-term relationship with you. They’re somewhat flexible with people they know they can trust. If you establish a good relationship with them, they’re more likely to partner with you on your next project or business idea.

If you used your home as hard collateral, private money lenders are bound by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act law. This law encourages hard money private lenders to extend loans to borrowers in real estate.

The Dodd-Frank law regulates what most private lenders can loan you with your home as collateral. The hard money private lender can loan you up to 70% of the fair market value of your home. On average in the U.S., Americans have over $15.2 trillion in home equity. That can make for some great hard money private loans.


Typically, the hard money lender will give you a loan of up to 70% ARV (after repaired value) of your home. For example, say you have a home worth $45,000 that needs $20,000 in repairs. You expect the home to be worth $100,000 after the repairs are complete. That means, the hard money loan may be for up to 70 percent of $100,000, or $70.000. The $70,000 covers your house and repairs.

If you don’t pay back the loan on time, the hard money private lender has the option of taking your property and selling it. It’s prudent to be honest with your hard money lender. Let them know the true value of your property or other collateral you’re using. Give the private lender a financial or business plan on what you want to do, and how you’re going to do it. Let them know how you’re going to come up with the rest of the money you may need.

Final Thoughts

No matter the amount of the private hard money loan, have a lawyer review the terms for peace of mind. If you’re comfortable with the loan terms and are confident that you can pay it back on time, a hard money loan may be right for you.





Bad Credit Not A Barrier Towards Getting A Hard Money Loan

A lot of people think that, if they have bad credit, there are no finance options available to them at all anymore. However, it is interesting to note that hard money loans are less interested in credit scores and more interested in a number of other things. While there certainly are significant disadvantages to taking out a hard money loan, the fact that they are available for people with bad credit makes them very interesting.

The Problem with Institutional Lenders

A lot of people think that the world of mortgages is dominated by banks and other forms of traditional and institutional lenders. In reality, this is no longer the case as non-traditional lenders begin to take over the financial system.

In 2011, 50 percent of all new mortgage money was loaned by the three biggest banks in the United States. At the same time, six of the top 10 largest lenders by volume were non-banks.

Traditional lenders usually lend between 80% and 90% of the value of a property. However:

They only look at a property’s purchase price, not its potential.

They don’t provide mortgages for distressed or vacant properties.

They care mainly about the credit score of the applicant, rather than the money to be made on the property.

The Hard Money Lender Experience

Hard money lenders also care about credit score, but not much. Their underwriting process is very different, however.

Hard money lenders are primarily concerned with the amount of equity the borrower has invested in the property that will be used as collateral. They are less concerned with the borrower’s credit rating. Issues on a borrower’s record such as a foreclosure or short sale can be overlooked if the borrower has the capital to pay the interest on the loan.

What a private lender is interested in is what a property will be worth after repairs. They are also more interested in whether a borrower has any real estate investing experience. Finally, they want to see people who are happy to put their own money into the pot. Naturally, a good credit rating helps in all of that, but it is not the be all and end all of the process.

How to Get a Hard Money Loan Approved if You Have Bad Credit

If you do have bad credit, then the following tips may be of benefit to you in order to increase your chances of approval:

  1. Focus on due diligence. Make sure that you write a stellar proposition that they simply cannot say no to, by covering every angle.
  2. Provide an explanation as to why your credit score is less than perfect. Explain the things that have gone wrong in the past and what you have done to ameliorate the situation.
  3. Try to give the private lender peace of mind. You need to showcase that it is also in your interest to have a successful project. To prove that you believe in your proposal, you should put as much of your own money towards it as you can. You also need to write an exit strategy and explain how you intend to repay the loan.

As you can see, it is possible to get a hard money loan even if you have bad credit. While that doesn’t mean your credit score doesn’t matter, it is more a case of other things being far more important. That is one of the main things that set private lenders apart from traditional institutions. A hard money lender wants to invest in projects that look profitable and likely to succeed. Hence, they will look at each proposal individually, rather than having a tick box exercise like traditional lenders generally do.

Invest Money in You

Private Money Lenders Want To Invest Money In You

Do you want to flip houses or invest in real estate? If you don’t have the money, getting a loan can be the next best thing. However, traditional loans from banks and credit unions often take too long and require good credit. Consider private money lenders if you are serious about starting your new business in real estate. Read on to learn more about how these lenders can help you and why lenders want to invest money in you.

Who Are Private Money Lenders?

Who are private money lenders? According to Financing Strategies For Real Estate Investments, a private money lender is “a noninstitutional (non-bank) individual or company that loans money, generally secured by a note and deed of trust, for the purpose of funding a real estate transaction.” Most private money lenders come from strangers who are interested in investing their money in real estate.
However, friends and family are another alternative lender to consider. If your friends and family have extra money to help you, then it can be convenient to ask them for the loan. They know they can trust you, so you don’t need good credit to get a loan from them.
You can also ask co-workers or other people you have connections with for a loan. However, some people usually have to resort to finding private money lenders online.

Why Lenders Want to Invest Money in You

Why do private money lenders want to invest money in you? Most of them want to do something with the vast amount of money they already have. However, some want to invest so they have enough after retirement. As stated by Financing Strategies For Real Estate Investments, a study showed about 22% of American workers have at least $100,000 saved up for their retirement. Not everyone who retires will leave the money in the bank where it won’t do much good.
Instead, those in retirement, or close to it, want to invest their money to earn more for their future. They commonly profit from the interest they make on the loans they extend to borrowers for flipping houses or investing in real estate. For that reason, there’s always money out there for you to borrow for your new real estate business. All you have to do is look for people willing to invest in your idea.

Getting an Approval

You don’t need good credit to get a private money loan. That’s because these lenders have less restrictive borrowing parameters than traditional lenders. Instead, they look for an excellent plan for the money they’re investing. Creating a mutually beneficial plan for profit will only make a stronger case for them to approve you.
You should also prepare for the unexpected when you are flipping houses or investing in real estate. You might find asbestos in the attic or too much mold in a wall that will cost you more money than you planned on spending. That can create problems if you don’t have a backup plan for how you will pay for it.
For example, you may not be able to stay on schedule to sell. Or worse, you risk losing the property to the lender altogether when you can’t repay the loan. However, if you have a backup plan, then lenders are often more willing to approve you for a loan. That’s because backup plans give the lender faith that you’ll be able to repay the loan on time, despite these kinds of surprises.

The Downside of Using Private Money Lenders

There are several reasons why using private money lending can be a good thing for getting your business up and running. However, always consider the pitfalls of using these lenders before applying for a loan.
Getting a loan from family and friends can be another option for you. But should you do it? Hiccups in repaying those closest to you can deteriorate otherwise healthy relationships, especially when payments are late or behind.
You will also have to deal with higher interest rates with private money loans than you would with traditional ones. So, consider whether building your real estate business is worth the extra money you have to pay these lenders.
If you want a private money lender to invest in you, then research online to find the right one right for you. Get a few offers before deciding on one, so that you know you’re choosing the best loan available to you. Lenders want to invest money in you, so get started today and make your dream business a reality!


What is a hard money lender?

What Is a Hard Money Lender?

Who do you imagine when people talk about a private hard money lender? Many people don’t have a good understanding of who hard money lenders are. Unfortunately, this kind of private investor is seen by many as a shady person who will break your legs if you don’t pay your debts in time. This image could not be further from the truth.

The Private Hard Money Lender

A hard money lender is a private investor or a group of investors who can offer a hard money loan. The main difference between them and banks is that they are not institutions. Their activities are less regulated, which enables them to create their own rules.

More and more people are entering the hard money lender market. Bloomberg recently reported that private credit is on the rise lately, and it is helping to fuel the current private equity boom. Private credit is now reported to be as big as $776 billion. While hard money lenders are not the bulk of those credit offerings, they are certainly an important part of them.

It’s important to understand who these investors are and what they can do for you. In fact, it’s important to understand what a hard money loan is. They are short-term loans that are generally used to buy properties. They are secured by the property that is being bought, and are considered safe investments. That is, if you are careful and only invest in property after you’ve done plenty of research.

People generally take hard money loans to “flip” houses. That means they buy a property with a low market value, renovate it, and sell it for profit. The idea is that you can buy the property quickly, fix it up, and turn a quick profit. The faster you do it, the more you’ll profit.
This activity is becoming pretty common. According to ATTOM Data Solutions, 2019 marked a 9-year high in home flipping.

Before you look for a hard money lender, you should know that they are not fit for all investments. They are most ideal if you can’t go to a bank or don’t have time for the process.

How Does The Hard Money Lender Benefit?

The hard money lender’s benefit comes from comparably high-interest rates. People who can’t, or don’t want to, use traditional lenders generally seek out hard money loans. This happens for several reasons, and they work as a second option, as well.

Loan fees can be around 5 percent, and the annual interest could easily be higher than 15 percent. Not many investments allow for these profit margins so quickly. Overall, this can be beneficial for both parties.

Another reason why people decide to become hard money lenders is that they can determine their conditions and guarantees. This gives them many advantages during the negotiation.

Lenders generally lend up to between 65% and 75% of the value of the property that they hold as collateral. But, some decide to take on more risk for the benefit of a higher interest rate. The higher the interest rate, the more profit the lender will achieve. The time frame to pay off these loans is often short. Most of them have to be paid in 12 to 24 months.

Keep in mind that fees and interest may vary a lot, though. This practice is not strictly regulated, so lenders can set prices and conditions as they wish. Do your research and tread with caution when looking for a hard money lender.

The criteria for approving loans may also vary from lender to lender. Most of the time, they don’t evaluate someone’s credit for approval. Their attention is most set on the asset that they are lending money on.

Finding The Right Hard Money Lender

If you need a loan, it is important to find the right hard money lender. You need someone that you can trust and preferably who will be near you.

You should look for a professional investor who has experience with hard money loans. Ask for referrals from previous clients or associates. Learn as much as you can about the lender’s past business practices. This will help you avoid fraudulent lenders and scammers.

You should also get to know the hard money lender before you sign any final paperwork. It’s also a great idea to ask an experienced attorney to look at the details of the contract before you sign it.

Remember that hard money loans are not without risk. If you are well-prepared, however, you’ll minimize unhappy surprises.




How To Get A Hard Money Loan

If you are a small business looking to invest in your company, a land developer or even an architect, you may already be aware of hard money loans. With the inflexibility of banks or other traditional lending institutions, you may have decided that a hard money loan is the best way for you to finance a project without having to sell any property or assets.

How do you go about getting a hard money loan? Much easier than you might think. Here are some tips to go about it the right way.

Find a Good Hard Money Lender

Firstly, it’s important to do your research. The American Association of Private Lenders estimates that there are around 40% more hard money loan providers in the country than there were three years ago! So, although the market has widened, it is not subject to much regulation, so don’t just go to the first one that you come across.

Genuine hard money loan providers will be interested in your project, and they hope to build long term relationships. Some, although thankfully very few, are simply glorified loan sharks. Learn the difference before you get burned. According to Jay Garner, chief executive of Quicken Loans, a lender who has provided hard money loans nationally, companies such as theirs has a mission “to lend to people properly and responsibly, following the guidelines established by the particular agency that we’re selling mortgages to.”

Here are some ways to discern the good from the bad:

  • Reviews – ask around locally, especially with real estate companies, if there’s anyone they have heard of who is well regarded in the area.
  • Has this lender financed loans like the one you are seeking at any time in the past? It’s a red flag if they haven’t.
  • Can you meet the hard money lender, or at least someone that works for them? If not, it’s best to avoid them, as they may just want to get your money.

Applying for a Hard Money Loan

Now you have found a reliable lender you need to present your plan. Even though you don’t need the same amount of documentation as for a normal bank, you still have to come prepared.

  1. Let the hard money loan provider know the value of the property in question. This is one of the most important pieces of information for them, not your credit score. The loan will be given against this. You may need to present budgets for construction or renovation and repairs.
  2. Tell them about the area that the property is in. Have information on how much other homes/businesses went for in the area. They are looking for a good investment. Have your prices of other developments and properties in that area? You can check out zillow.com and realtor.com to do some research.
  3. Show them your financial plan for the property. You can likely get between 60 – 70% of the after-repair value of the property, but you’ll need to come up with the rest. If you have some cash in hand, then it will make the approval even quicker.

If you have a history of making risky, but ultimately good investments, then let them know.

Ensure that you get some legal advice before you sign a contract with a hard money lender. You need to make sure that you are protected within the terms of the agreement. Also, ask your lawyer about any impact that the hard money loan may have on your personal liability.

You should stay in contact with the hard money lender. Give them the information they need to show how much you want the loan. Especially in cases where they only lend to a small number of people, if you miss out, they may have decided to lend to another party.

Things to Note

A hard money loan is not the same as a mortgage or a loan from a traditional lender. The terms are different – usually the approval time is a lot less, and you require less documentation. However, you also will have to pay the loan back much quicker than a traditional loan and at a higher rate of interest. If you think that this works in your favor and that you still stand to benefit from the transaction then it could be a fantastic decision.




Hard Money Mortgage Loan Advantages

“This is a real-estate-driven economy from top to bottom,” says Christopher Thornberg, leading economist and Director of the UC Riverside School of Business Center for Economic Forecasting and Development. So that would make mortgages the cornerstone of the current economy. Today, traditional lenders must abide by strict regulations. Finding mortgages to buy, refinance, or renovate real estate is not as easy as it was just over a decade ago. This is where the hard money becomes a mortgage loan advantage.

If you want to get ahead, or even maintain your position, then you need financing. Previously, many consumers viewed hard money lenders as untrustworthy loan sharks, but times have changed. Banks haven’t been lenient about their terms since before the crash. With statistics showing the average home sale closing in around 73 days, time is of the essence when it comes to buying.

What is the Mortgage Loan Advantage with Hard Money?

Veteran real estate investors already know the mortgage loan advantage they are gaining with a hard money loan. However, if it’s your first time, or you’re buying a home to get into the flipping market estimated at $58 billion, then it’s best to arm yourself with some facts.

Gaining Approval and Funding Quickly

One of the biggest mortgage loan advantages that taking a hard money loan will give you is that it’s a quick process. In some cases, with one individual lender, you could be looking at just a single day. But that’s usually if you are very experienced.

Hard money mortgage providers look at the value of the asset. That’s the property that is backing the loan. They don’t care about your credit rating. If you have provided evidence that this is a good investment, they’ll move quickly. Having access to funds this quickly is an important asset for real estate investors in escrow. Some find that their original lender pulls out or simply doesn’t deliver the funds. A hard money lender can step in to provide the cash and make the deal go through.

When you consider that a normal mortgage provider can take around two or three months to extend credit, waiting less than a week will seem like a dream come true. It also means you can get moving faster.

More Financing Available: A Mortgage Loan Advantage

If you apply for a mortgage with a traditional lender, you’ll need to put down up to 20% of the asking price of the property. This will mean that you get better terms on the loan, but that may not be what you want, especially if you’re renovating. Who wants to pay for a renovation five years after it’s taken place?

A hard money mortgage will have shorter terms, but it is possible to borrow against the anticipated value of the property after the renovation. This changes things! You may be able to borrow 100 percent of the purchase price.

A Hard Money Mortgage is Good for Your First Investment

If you are just starting out as an investor, a hard money loan can allow you to purchase property with a minimal amount of your own capital. As long as you present your research on the investment, the hard money mortgage loan provider can also verify that it’s a good investment. With this support, you are at an advantage, as you can quickly start on that project you’ve had your eye on.

Help You Build a Relationship

If you establish a relationship with a hard money lender, this will give you a mortgage loan advantage when you choose to invest again. All you need to do is honor the terms of the contract and pay back the loan on time. Good relationships between hard money lenders and clients can mean that the lender extends more financing, reduces origination fees, and achieves shorter approval times.

Contact a Hard Money Mortgage Provider

Whatever your investment goals are, having a mortgage loan advantage will always stand in your favor. Hard money loans are pretty effective when it comes to the real estate market, which can move fast. Check real estate groups and social media real estate forums to discover hard money mortgage providers in your area.




Need A Hard Money Home Loan? Expect To Pay More In Interest

You can get approved for a loan by using your home or property as collateral. Getting a loan this way is called a hard money loan, and it’s easy to apply for and get approved. But you do need to be prepared for the higher interest rates that come with hard money home loans. Hard money loans continue to be popular. Many people use hard money loans without ever approaching a traditional mortgage lender. People use hard money loans for their mortgage for a variety of reasons.

Hard Money Loans are Often Used for Construction Projects, Flipping a House or Buying Property

Sometimes people get hard money loans to help finance a small business or project. In general, hard money loans are excellent for properties that you fix and flip, land loans, and construction projects. Julie Aragon, a Los Angeles based mortgage expert,  relays why some people gravitate to hard money loans.

“Individuals who buy properties, renovate them, and resell them for a profit are known as property flippers, will often get hard money financing because they can get the cash they need fast. This expediency is beneficial when they’re bidding on a property.”

Hard Money Loans Come from Individuals or Investors

The investors who put up the hard money loan usually require you to have higher interest rates. There are some things that can help you find reputable hard money lenders. This includes the most reasonable interest rate possible. Keep in mind if you put your home or another property up as collateral and default, the hard money lender can take that property. It’s their protection from losing the loan money plus interest they gave you.

The Hard Money Loan Lender Interest Rate Range

Financing Strategies for Real Estate Investments is a mortgage hard money lender. They lend you between 60-70 percent of what your property value is. It’s a win-win for most investors because if someone they lend to defaults on their payments, their property can be taken by the moneylender. It’s important to know that reputable hard money home loan lenders want to build a long term relationship with you. They don’t want to have to go after your home or property for a loan to be paid off. There are ways you can research and find out the difference in reputable hard money loan lenders who have reasonable interest rates and the ones you want to stay away from.

Research and Find Reputable Hard Money Home Loan Lenders

Hard money home loan lenders can charge you points and fees based on the amount of money you borrow. Since the loan points are based on a percentage of your loan, you want to be careful to figure out what one or two extra points will cost you when you’re paying it back. For instance, if you borrow $500,000 and your loan comes with two or three points, each point adds another $5,000 to your original loan. You also need to check your hard money home loan lender’s reputation by seeking reviews from others who have used them. Find out if they have a positive history in dealing with those that borrow money from them. If possible, try and meet with your hard money home loan lender because hard money investors are worth having a positive relationship with.

Your Next Step

Your next step is figuring out what type of home loan you want to pursue, and if it’s a hard money home loan, research and find the best one to fit your needs. While your approval time is a lot less, you also have less time to pay it back. Sometimes you have to pay a hard money loan lender back in twelve months. Although sometimes you can stretch it out to two-five years under special circumstances.

If everything above represents what you want to do and then you can find no better resource than a hard money home loan lender. There are so many ways you can benefit from a relationship with the lender. Don’t wait, move forward and find a hard money loan lender that helps you get the future you deserve.







How Successful Builders Aren’t Stopped By Lending Limitations

The Great Recession signified death for many businesses, and particularly the construction industry. Very few survived it, in fact. Those that did survive have a solid footing on the market today, but they are few and far between. The vast majority of construction companies continue to struggle. One of the reasons for this is that, although there is more credit available and the underwriting process is easier construction financing, or acquisition, development, and construction (AD&C) loans, are still hard to get.

The Basel III standards impose increased capital requirements on banks for acquisition, development and construction (ADC) loans for commercial real estate projects. These commercial construction loans are now designated as “high-volatility commercial real estate” (HVCRE) loans, and banks are required to assign these a “risk weight” of 150 percent, compared to other business loans, for purposes of calculating the capital they must hold against these riskier loans.

What this means in simple terms, is that new developers don’t even have to bother asking for a loan through a community bank. Indeed, this was a key area of concern for 2018, something picked up on by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the NAHB, which has observed a dramatic slow down in construction lending. This doesn’t mean that lending is no longer happening, but rather that it continues to be very difficult, despite being in a growth cycle.

For builders, these are confusing times. On the one hand, demand for new properties is up, but creating supply is impossible through traditional means. This also highlights the importance of finding an alternative.

Why Community Banks Won’t Lend

Traditionally, community banks were fantastic sources for AD&C loans, because of the fact that they focused on the local market. Unfortunately, ever since the Great Recession, the risk has simply been too big for them. In fact, statistics show that small banks were hit the hardest.

The recession was especially unkind to small community banks. About 85 percent of banks that failed 2008-2011 were considered small, with assets below $1 billion. Smaller banks tend to have a larger portfolio of small business loans, therefore increased risk. But smaller banks also tend to get involved in local community development and philanthropy.

Bankers haven’t forgotten the Great Recession, and neither have developers. People still prefer to be cautious, despite the fact that, for nine years, a growth cycle has been experienced. The economy may be doing well but people feel they are on tenterhooks and expect another bubble to burst. Construction, in particular, is always very risky, with a lot of failures and defaults regularly noted because resources can no longer be found. Banks do not yet have the security themselves that enable them to mitigate this risk.

Increased Scrutiny

There is a strong sense of risk aversion and one way in which that is mitigated is through increased scrutiny. Different forms of lending have been observed, including an increase in loans for single families. At present, community banks aim to have no more than 35% exposure to each of the different asset classes and this has proven to be a good strategy.

Low interest rates coupled with an improving U.S. economy have stimulated CRE markets nationwide, resulting in strong price increases and high valuations. At the same time, the commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) market has not been a huge source of competition for banks. These factors, combined with historically benign asset quality performance, have promoted relatively strong growth for CRE lending, most prominently among regional and community banks.

It is also believed that, with the appointment of Joseph Otting to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which happened in November 2017, regulatory oversight is going to get better. Indeed, banking partners agree that there will be a loosening of regulations, which could spell benefits at local levels. While this is a fantastic development, it doesn’t resolve the fact that, in the here and now, banks aren’t lending and commercial real estate investors and developers still need funds.

The Solution

In response to the tight regulations of banks, and particularly of community banks, investors and developers are turning to private lenders instead. Hard money loans are reasonably easy to get, particularly for projects that have a strong chance of success. They are high risk, but this risk is mitigated by high-interest rates and short loan terms. As such, hard money lenders can ensure that they get their money back if nothing else.

Money is business. Banks may provide a financial service but, at the end of the day, their goal is to make more money. They do so cautiously, in part because they build lengthy lending relationships with their clients. Private lenders, meanwhile, also simply want to make more money. But they do so boldly, working with borrowers for short periods of time. They are two opposite sides of the spectrum, in other words.

Construction loans, in particular, are also highly complex. This is another thing that banks are resistant to. They would prefer something that is easy to understand, easy to underwrite, and easy to work on. Hard money lenders, by contrast, are visionaries. They don’t mind working over complex figures and other difficulties, because they can see what the potential in that project is, and what the end result is likely to be. They are realistic, in as such that they won’t lend on a project that they believe has no chance of success, but they also don’t mind taking risks, sometimes very significant ones.

Today, therefore, there are two classes of successful construction companies. The first class is the one that was around before the Great Recession and that continued to operate through it, never giving up and never having to close its doors. Those are the ones who have the biggest chance of going to a community bank and getting approved for a loan. The vast majority of construction companies, however, are new ones or have re-opened after the Great Recession was over. For them, the banks aren’t open yet, but hard money lenders are.

What is a Hard Money Investor

What is a Hard Money Investor?

So, you and your spouse are ready to buy a new home. Around 32% of homeowners with less than stellar credit got turned down for a housing loan in 2017 alone, though. So, you’ve come up with another idea. You want to rent out another property that you own and put that money toward the house of your dreams. The problem is that the house needs a lot of work. Work that you can’t afford, either. You may want to enlist the help of a hard money investor.

By going through one of these investors, you’ll be able to get the loan that you need in a few days so you can start your renovation project. There are many pros and cons to these types of loans.

To help you weigh these pros and cons and decide if going through an investor would be right for you, here is a quick guide on everything that you need to know about them.

So What is a Hard Money Loan?

Let’s start from the beginning by telling you a little more about the loan. A hard money loan is a short term loan given to you to pay for real estate investments. The money that you’re given can vary depending on what you’re putting up for collateral, your credit history, and the value of the house you’re doing renovations on.

This money is given to you by a private investor rather than a bank. The interest is usually a little higher on hard money loans, and you’ve got a shorter time to pay it off. Even so, it can be worth it for you to use them as a means to fund your real estate projects.

Hard Money Loan Vs. Other Loans

Why not go through a soft loan rather than a hard one? If you wanted to go the soft money route you would have to jump a lot more hoops. First, you have to have a good credit history. This will be reported to your creditor as an inquiry. “This Inquiry will have a small but negative impact on your credit score.”

On top of having a good credit score, you also have to give up proof of income. If all this checks out then the bank might approve you for the loan.

Getting a hard money loan is a little bit easier than that. When you try to get one of these loans, you’ll be giving up property as collateral to the hard money investor. It’s because you’re giving up something physical as collateral that the investors are less picky about your financial status and credit history.

Why Go Through a Hard Money Investor?

The interest rate on hard money loans is higher than soft ones, and you don’t have as long to pay it off. So, why would you seek an investor? The answer is that the process is faster, there is more flexibility with it, and the approval rates are higher.


Soft money lenders go through your application with a fine-tooth comb. They take everything into account from your credit history to your bank statements. As you can imagine, this makes the process go much slower.

Again, in the case of hard money loans, you’re giving up something as collateral. The hard money investor doesn’t want to have to take the property that you give up, but they can if they have to. This means that they aren’t as thorough with looking over your application. You’ll know much faster if you got the loan or not.


Large banks and corporations have strict repayment schedules that you have to abide by. Hard money investors are a little more flexible than that. If you build a good relationship with the investor, they may be willing to talk things out. You’ll be able to get a repayment schedule that works for you.


The most important thing to a hard money investor is collateral. If they have to take your property back they can sell it fast, and they know it. They may look through your finances and credit history, but these things will mainly affect how much money you’ll get. It’s more likely that you’ll be approved for the loan than not.


Maldonado, Camilo. “32% Of Applicants With Less Than Perfect Credit Were Denied Mortgages In 2017.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 27 July 2018, https://www.forbes.com/sites/camilomaldonado/2018/07/27/32-percent-of-applicants-without-perfect-credit-denied-in-2017/#26ea218a4b18

“What Exactly Happens When a Mortgage Lender Checks My Credit?” Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/what-exactly-happens-when-a-mortgage-lender-checks-my-credit-en-2005/.



What Are Hard Money Brokers?

Hard money brokers

Are you in need of a hard money loan? People with low credit scores or aren’t able to give proof of income to traditional banks and credit unions aren’t able to get a loan. However, hard money loans might solve your financial problems. Learn more about how you can use hard money brokers to get the best loan possible from a lender.

What Are Hard Money Loans

Have you been trying to get a traditional loan? When you have gone through all other financial options, then a hard money loan could help you. It’s easier and faster to get one than traditional ones, which can be beneficial to those who need quick money. Traditional loans take too long and might not be an option for those with low credit.

People might become desperate to help finance their new house flipping business or their investment in real estate. Having the money to purchase a house on the market you want is crucial since it could easily be bought from another buyer.

How Hard Money Lenders Approve You

Getting approval from a hard money broker can be easier than traditional lenders. But you still have to put in the work and effort. You can get approval if the property you want them to invest in is worth it for them. You will have to put up some property as collateral to make the loan a possibility. Without it, you won’t be able to get a hard money loan.

Writing a thorough and organized proposal on how you will repay them will only help you get approval. A sloppy one might not get you far with some investors. Make sure you have an excellent plan for them not to say yes to. Having an exceptional property for them to make a profit off will be a further incentive to approve you for a loan.

However, you shouldn’t be too hasty when you get a hard money loan. According to the Financing Strategies For Real Estate Investments, if you aren’t able to repay the lender, they can “repossess the property because they have a first lien position and will handle it themselves.” This means they have the right to sell the property and take the sell for profit.

What Are Hard Money Brokers

Trying to figure out your first steps after deciding to get this loan might intimidate some. That’s why hard money brokers can come in handy for those who want to get the best deal. Hard money brokers are the middlemen who connect you with hard money lenders that’s right for you and your financial situation.

Hiring A Money Broker

Why do you need a money broker? As reported by the Financing Strategies For Real Estate Investments, hard money lenders will lend about 60-70% loan-to-value of the property you want to put up as collateral. You can’t get a loan that’s 100% worth the value of your home. These lenders need to make money out of their investment in real estate.

So, hiring a money broker can help you connect to lenders who are more likely to invest in the price range that satisfies you. You could search and find excellent money lenders online, but not all of them are willing to contact the borrower directly. Therefore, money brokers can help since they can be a middleman between you and the investors willing to invest in small or large real estates. Without them, you might not have access to investors that maintain a low profile or don’t want to be in contact with the borrower.

However, ask your broker how much they charge you for their services before hiring them. Paying them is another bill you have to think about when hard money loans become your last resort in getting the property you want.

If you are planning on getting a hard money loan, consider hiring a money broker. They can give you excellent connections to investors who match your loan goal or ones who will provide you with the best deal. It can save you more time by having the help of a professional who knows how to deal with busy investors. Research today to see which money brokers are right for you and your family. You can be one step closer to making your house flipping business a reality!

Source: http://ideaexchange.uakron.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1445&context=honors_research_projects